Diversify Diversify Diversify
John Bogle founder of Vanguard quoted "Don't look for the needle in the haystack, just buy the haystack!"
The key meaning of this quote is that having broad market exposure is more prudent than trying to increase your risk by investing in individual stocks. A well diversified investment portfolio invests accross the various asset classes of equities, bonds, property, alternatives, healthcare and IT. Further layers can be added by diversifying geographically and over several industries.
Of course, there is no guarantee diversification will completely prevent declines. But it will minimise the impact of a drop in a single stock.
At Flynn & Lynch we can help you to assess your financial needs and recommend portfolios that may be appropriate for you.
Regardless of your goal, your time horizon or your risk tolerance, a diversified portofolio is the foundation of any smart investment strategy.
Call us to help you achieve better financial outcomes.